Welcome to 'Add Some Joy to Your Life' a weekly blog for inspiration and The Joy of Life TV!!
This weeks' Celebrity Spotlight is on CHUCK MALDONADO - Artistic Director of MTV's 'Taking the Stage', Choreographer of Disney's New Motion Picture 'G-Force', Choreographer of 'America's Best Dance Crew', 'Stomp the Yard' and soooo much more! (Next weeks' Celebrity Spotlight will be on -'The Strikers' from America's Best Dance Crew.)
Your Weekly Inspiration Awaits Below: Scroll down for Chuck's Video Interview.
You live the life you live to give the life you give.
We sometimes encounter rocky situations only to later find that we can help someone else who stumbles upon the very same problem we’ve previously solved. Because of those experiences, we now have the information to pass on to someone else so they can successfully move through their 'perceived' problem with ease and grace. If you had made any different choice or had chosen not to effectively seek a solution to that problem at that time or had not gone through those things at that specific time, you would not be you.
So today, in place of negative self-talk about how far along we initially thought we’d be by now or how different our lives would be if we had made different choices, we can choose to celebrate who we are at this current moment and choose who we would like to become.
Wow, you’ve made it this far! The Universe wouldn’t bring you this far to leave you. You have access to the Great I AM frequency which is continuously creating worlds!! Do you really get that? When you ask, you ask this Source which knows that there are truly no problems in the first place.
You are so wonderful that everything you believe you can have …shows up, as if by magic. You are alright already. As Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith says, “What if the whole Universe is conspiring for your good?” Wow, imagine the possibilities? You are not alone, you have never been alone. There’s a biblical passage in the book of Hebrews 13:5 which Dr. Creflo Dollar interpreted in this way, “God said, I will not, I will not, I will not, to any degree for any reason leave or forsake you, I will not take my hands off of you.” So, I ask again, what if Rev. Michael is right and the Universe is conspiring for your good. As you look back in the sand contemplating the one set of footprints you believe you see, what if they are not yours because you are being carried by the Most High through seeming trials and tribulations?
When I was told that even in my darkest hour I am not alone and that God is with me, I was released from a whole bunch of gunk. Wow, could it be that you and I are so special, magnificent, talented, unimaginably sacred and loved that even in our darkest hours, we are not alone? I am truly grateful for the shift in consciousness, for the new – thought, ancient wisdom teachings which lead us on the path back to ourselves and truly to God. You do not have to hustle, bustle or struggle. As Ernest Holmes said, “You have enough, you are enough, and you do enough.” I believe that and stand on that firmly, I offer these words as encouragement to each one of you.
You are living the life in which you live so that you can give the life you give …when you choose to honor yourself, commitments, relationships and your word, you give us all insurmountable blessings and gifts. More so, the gift comes back to its’ source. Your words are not fleeting. What you say, do and put out always comes back. If you’re telling yourself you are going to write a book, take inspired action and write. Just pick up a pen, open your laptop or whichever device you choose. Just do it, take divinely inspired action. All of the Universal forces will begin aligning themselves with the action you are taking so that your wants and needs are met pressing down and running over.
The lives you will affect request your presence, that’s why you feel that yearning in your spirit to create your creation. It’s okay to get started, we support you. We require what you have to give. With love I say, you know, you know ...and you know that you know what your gifts are, please stop pretending. You are enough remember? The Universe is conspiring for your good, remember? You can not get lost. You are loved. F.E.A.R. is merely false evidence appearing real. You are magnificent! Yes, you in that skin, on this day, we celebrate you!
This is that “one day” moment. Today is your day. “And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.) Kid, you’ll move mountains!” – Dr. Seuss. I leave you with a timeless quote by Dr. Martin Luther the King :), Jr. “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
I encourage you to live the life you live so that you can give the life you came to give. Share with us, there’s plenty of room for you and the temperature is juuuust right, come on in! We are waiting…
In Joy,
Joy Liani Hallman
(C.E.O./Producer/Host - Joy Liani Hallman interviewing Artistic Director & Choreographer - Chuck Maldonado. Video Director & Production by: Ashley T. Hughes see www.youtube.com/smashes38 for Ashley's amazing work.)
Truely Fabulous!!!!!!!!! AAAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!
Go Joy! Go Chuck! :D.