Monday, July 27, 2009

Add Some Joy to Your Life By Playing More

(In Photo's above - The Strikers, Joy & Chuck Maldonado)

Welcome to ‘Add Some Joy to Your Life’ a weekly Inspirational Blog featuring ‘The Joy of Life TV.’

This weeks’ Celebrity Spotlight is on - THE STRIKER ALL-STAR CREW from Randy Jackson’s TV Series ‘America’s Best Dance Crew!’

Your weekly inspiration awaits below, scroll down for The Striker All-Star Crew’s Video Interview. For more information about Joy see the ‘About Joy’ section.

Add Some Joy to Your Life by Playing More

I heard Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith say that playing and prayer are of the same vibration. That set me free in so many ways because I absolutely LOVE to play …and color. When I heard that, I realized that I hadn’t colored in a really long while. Sure, I’ll play video games with Nathan, silly games with my dog and board games with my daughter but seldom had I just pulled out my jacks or played with the Barbie’s. (Yes, my daughter is a front for my toys. Lol.)

Where in life did I get “serious?” With the exception of colored markers for high-lighting books and projects, I hadn’t picked up a single crayon. Occasionally, I’ve been known to enjoy the furniture in stores a bit much. I’ve been known to say yes to Customers who ask if I am the furniture model. In no time, I’ll have them on bean bags jumping with me, reclining in seats or really enjoying the leather. I’ve sold furniture in random stores that way with no monetary compensation for me it seems but I was paid in other ways. I made someone smile that day. I was totally present and in the moment in conversation. I was able to give expert advice which I downloaded directly from the Creator for that specific Soul. In those moments, I feel as completely charged as I do when I am in intense prayer.

I offer this scenario as encouragement so that you too can stop taking everything so seriously. There’s a beach somewhere with your name all over the waves. There’s an amusement park waiting just for you. If you’re anything like me, the fruit festivals and roller skating rinks are shouting your name! It’s okay to play Honey. God does not want us to be perfect; God wants us to be present. When you play, you raise your vibration and increase your endorphins. When you play (fairly, LOL) you are really fun to be around. Remember when you were a kid at a park “making pretend?” All of the other kids would find out what the game was about and then jump on board. “Oh no, run, the Pirates are coming!” Remember that? Those moments are now memories but you get to create future memories right now.

I encourage you to jump, play, exercise, meet people and get out of your own way. As Dr. Wayne Dyer gently reminds us, “You can not solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” It’s okay to give yourself some space to play today.

If you need me, I’ll be blowing bubbles and coloring while chewing a big piece of bubble gum.

In which ways can you choose to add some joy to your life today? Will it be through music or laughter, interactions with people or nature? You get to decide. Truly, you get to choose. Whatever you decide, I hope you have fun!

Have a ball, I so am! Will you join me?

I wish you love and laughter.

In Joy,


Click below to see the Video Interview of THE STRIKERS ALL-STAR CREW from Randy Jackson’s ‘America’s Best Dance Crew.’ (P.S. ~~~this is a wide camera angle so I look a bit wide too~~ …and I love it just the same :)

Video Director and Production by Ashley T. Hughes. See Ashley’s awesome work at: ~~~ Also, interviews conducted by ‘The Joy of Life TV’ are posted at

About Joy Section

I work in the field of Entertainment as an Actress, Choreographer/Dancer, Writer and Host – represented by Bloc Talent Agency. I write a self-help blog entitled, “Add Some Joy to Your Life,” and have recently submitted my book, “Your Official Invitation to The Joy of Life …details inside” (2nd edition) for publishing. I’ve started High-School dance programs and written dance curriculums. My educational background consists of graduating Magna Cum Laude from Phillips Graduate Institute in Encino, CA with a Master of Arts degree in Psychology based School Counseling with two academic credentials and being elected Speaker at Commencement. Additionally, I’ve earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Virginia State University with minors in Modern Dance and English. At V.S.U. (a Historically Black College), I was President of Orchesis Dance Theatre, Ms. Omega Psi Phi, an Essence of Troy - Band Dancer & Officer and involved in many campus activities, organizations and community service.

I enjoy roller-skating, being active and being present with my family, friends & the dog. I love my church, Agape where I participate in the dance ministry. I am an avid reader / researcher and love helping to inspire others to create and become their best selves. Thank you so much for stopping by ‘Add Some Joy to Your Life,’ it is my hope that you will.


Monday, July 20, 2009

You are living the life you live to give the life you give.

(Photo courtesy of - Brad Buckman Photography)

Welcome to 'Add Some Joy to Your Life' a weekly blog for inspiration and The Joy of Life TV!!

This weeks' Celebrity Spotlight is on CHUCK MALDONADO - Artistic Director of MTV's 'Taking the Stage', Choreographer of Disney's New Motion Picture 'G-Force', Choreographer of 'America's Best Dance Crew', 'Stomp the Yard' and soooo much more! (Next weeks' Celebrity Spotlight will be on -'The Strikers' from America's Best Dance Crew.)

Your Weekly Inspiration Awaits Below: Scroll down for Chuck's Video Interview.

You live the life you live to give the life you give.

We sometimes encounter rocky situations only to later find that we can help someone else who stumbles upon the very same problem we’ve previously solved. Because of those experiences, we now have the information to pass on to someone else so they can successfully move through their 'perceived' problem with ease and grace. If you had made any different choice or had chosen not to effectively seek a solution to that problem at that time or had not gone through those things at that specific time, you would not be you.

So today, in place of negative self-talk about how far along we initially thought we’d be by now or how different our lives would be if we had made different choices, we can choose to celebrate who we are at this current moment and choose who we would like to become.

Wow, you’ve made it this far! The Universe wouldn’t bring you this far to leave you. You have access to the Great I AM frequency which is continuously creating worlds!! Do you really get that? When you ask, you ask this Source which knows that there are truly no problems in the first place.

You are so wonderful that everything you believe you can have …shows up, as if by magic. You are alright already. As Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith says, “What if the whole Universe is conspiring for your good?” Wow, imagine the possibilities? You are not alone, you have never been alone. There’s a biblical passage in the book of Hebrews 13:5 which Dr. Creflo Dollar interpreted in this way, “God said, I will not, I will not, I will not, to any degree for any reason leave or forsake you, I will not take my hands off of you.” So, I ask again, what if Rev. Michael is right and the Universe is conspiring for your good. As you look back in the sand contemplating the one set of footprints you believe you see, what if they are not yours because you are being carried by the Most High through seeming trials and tribulations?

When I was told that even in my darkest hour I am not alone and that God is with me, I was released from a whole bunch of gunk. Wow, could it be that you and I are so special, magnificent, talented, unimaginably sacred and loved that even in our darkest hours, we are not alone? I am truly grateful for the shift in consciousness, for the new – thought, ancient wisdom teachings which lead us on the path back to ourselves and truly to God. You do not have to hustle, bustle or struggle. As Ernest Holmes said, “You have enough, you are enough, and you do enough.” I believe that and stand on that firmly, I offer these words as encouragement to each one of you.

You are living the life in which you live so that you can give the life you give …when you choose to honor yourself, commitments, relationships and your word, you give us all insurmountable blessings and gifts. More so, the gift comes back to its’ source. Your words are not fleeting. What you say, do and put out always comes back. If you’re telling yourself you are going to write a book, take inspired action and write. Just pick up a pen, open your laptop or whichever device you choose. Just do it, take divinely inspired action. All of the Universal forces will begin aligning themselves with the action you are taking so that your wants and needs are met pressing down and running over.

The lives you will affect request your presence, that’s why you feel that yearning in your spirit to create your creation. It’s okay to get started, we support you. We require what you have to give. With love I say, you know, you know ...and you know that you know what your gifts are, please stop pretending. You are enough remember? The Universe is conspiring for your good, remember? You can not get lost. You are loved. F.E.A.R. is merely false evidence appearing real. You are magnificent! Yes, you in that skin, on this day, we celebrate you!

This is that “one day” moment. Today is your day. “And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.) Kid, you’ll move mountains!” – Dr. Seuss. I leave you with a timeless quote by Dr. Martin Luther the King :), Jr. “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

I encourage you to live the life you live so that you can give the life you came to give. Share with us, there’s plenty of room for you and the temperature is juuuust right, come on in! We are waiting…

In Joy,
Joy Liani Hallman

(C.E.O./Producer/Host - Joy Liani Hallman interviewing Artistic Director & Choreographer - Chuck Maldonado. Video Director & Production by: Ashley T. Hughes see for Ashley's amazing work.)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Welcome to the Joy of Life TV and our blog, 'Add Some Joy to Your Life!" This weeks inspiration is entitled, "Give worry a time stamp." ~~~~Our Celebrity Spotlight is on MICHAEL FRANKLIN - Choreographer of Oxygen Network's 'Dance Your A@! Off!' ~~~~

Next weeks featured Celebrity is CHUCK MALDONADO - Artistic Director of MTV's Taking The Stage & Choreographer of many movies including 'Stomp The Yard'. (Michael's interview is located underneath of our weekly inspiration ~~~ scroll down.)

The Joy of Life TV's Purpose Statement:

Welcome to The Joy of Life TV & our blog spot ‘Add Some Joy to Your Life!” I am the C.E.O. and Host, Joy Liani Hallman. My definite purpose is to joyfully inform, inspire, entertain and motivate the human population by joyfully affecting the global consciousness through the use of media, arts and events. (See 'About Joy' section underneath our Celebrity Spotlight.)

Weekly Inspiration: GIVE WORRY A TIME STAMP.

Peace & Blessings,

There have been times in our lives when we have met with conflict and thought we would never recover. Often times, given enough space between the past event and who we are currently, we look back on the previously perceived situation and roar with laughter! Why is the situation funny now but it wasn’t then? Perhaps, our perception has changed. You can choose to take some time out during this season of your life and realize that you are now creating future memories. Which means, that one day, you are going to reflect on this time period, realize that it was actually not that deep and roar with belly laughter!

With that said, give yourself some space to be silly as to not take things so seriously. The sun will rise and set tomorrow, (God willing) regardless of our current situations and circumstances.

If a matter is pressing, simply pick a date and time to worry about it. For instance, you may be worried about how a situation on the 18th of September may affect your life. You can choose to first surrender the entire situation to God, all the while praying, trusting and believing that God has taken care of the situation. Choose to be in a state of gratitude, knowing that that situation is under control, it’s worked out already. Next, get crystal clear about what your role is and take divinely inspired action doing what you can with a clear mind and with what you have. Make sure that all the while you know that your situations and circumstances do not define who you are and who you are becoming. This particular situation is merely an outcome stemming from previous thoughts. Most likely, those thoughts and thinking in that way no longer serves you.

With confident determination affirm that you are going to worry about that situation on September 17th, 2009 from 7:30 p.m. until 7:31 p.m. In the meantime, whenever that thought enters your mind and you feel like you want to think about the matter, remind yourself that you are going to think about it on September 17th 2009 at 7:30 p.m. ‘cuz God has it under control. Then, immediately begin thanking God for successfully resolving that problem and taking care of every situation and every circumstance pertaining to you and your loved ones. Be still and KNOW that it has already been worked out and choose not to talk about it. Let it go!

When 7:30 pm on September 17, 2009 arrives, tell yourself God worked that situation out already and keep it moving.

You are connected to the infinite supply of all there is. Wow, you get to be alive on this planet at this time in human history. You get to have a perceived ‘problem’ and all of the tools to the Source of all there is to solve them. You actually get to incorporate what you’ve learned from this experience and use it to help others as well as yourself during a present/future problem. In the words of Patricia Russell – McCloud, “If the problems or circumstances were less difficult, there would be no need to have someone with your ability to solve them.”

I wish you WELLNESS & successful conflict resolution through the Spirit of the Most High! Remember …it really is all in your mind.

In joy,
Joy Liani Hallman

Choreographer of Oxygen Network's 'Dance Your A@! Off!'

Our Director & Video Production person is Ashley T. Hughes. Check out some of Ashley's amazing projects and incredible work at:

'About Joy'

I work in the field of Entertainment as an Actress, Choreographer/Dancer, Writer & Host. I write a self-help blog and have recently submitted my book, “Your Official Invitation to the Joy of Life …details inside (2nd Edition) for publishing. I’ve also started High School Dance programs and written dance curriculums. My educational background includes graduating Magna Cum Laude from Phillips Graduate Institute in Encino, CA with a Master of Arts degree in Psychology based School Counseling and two academic credentials and being elected speaker at Commencement. Additionally, I’ve earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Virginia State University with minors in English and Modern Dance, where I was President of Orchesis Dance Theatre, a Band Dancer & Officer, Ms. Omega Psi Phi and involved in many campus and community service activities.

I enjoy roller-skating, hanging out with family, friends and my dog. I love my Church, Agape and enjoy being a part of the Dance Ministry. I am an avid reader / researcher and I love inspiring others to create and become their best selves. I am grateful to be on the planet with you at this time in human history. Thank – you for stopping by our page. Enjoy!

Peace & Love,

Monday, July 6, 2009

Your Marvelous Opportunities Await Your Arrival.

Welcome to The Joy of Life TV! I hope you enjoy your weekly boost of joyful inspiration! (Our 'CELEBRITY SPOTLIGHT' this week is on the beautiful and incredibly talented Actress, Choreographer/Dancer, Producer - CARYN WARD - featured at the bottom of this post. - Next Week's 'Celebrity Spotlight will be on MICHAEL FRANKLIN - Choreographer of Oxygen TV's'Dance Your A@! Off!')


Your Marvelous Opportunities Eagerly Await Your Arrival.

GET IN! Leap ~~~~ into the Infinite Field of All Possibilities, where all systems are go, where there you are jumping into the FLOW belong. From the moment everything in the Universe lined up and told you to move forth and pursue your life’s plan, it already existed. Situations may come and go but that magical opportunity you've been awaiting will eventually present itself. After all, luck is simply what happens when preparation meets opportunity. When we prepare ourselves and take inspired action toward our goals, our goals move toward us. When we are in harmony with our desires, it is then that we are in the field of Infinite Possibilities. Oh, you will catch the Rainbow and begin riding the waves!

I encourage you to let go of any ill feelings about perceived 'missed opportunities' because that is simply a matter of perception - really. How could you have missed out on anything? What is meant for you is meant only for you. No one can close doors that God has opened for you. When you are in harmony and going with the flow, everything you need to carry out your desires will show up as if by magic. “When your thoughts are activated in love, everything you need lines up in synchronicity.” – Wayne Dyer

Yes, we took it back to the L word, LOVE. Love is all there is. Forgive yourself for feeling as if you’ve ever done anything wrong. Forgive all others for what you may believe they’ve done to you. Realize everything happens for a reason. We can choose to activate higher states of awareness by looking at the big picture, retrieving the lessons from circumstances and moving forward with our lives. It is in the choice to move forward that everything shifts.

When we operate through divine right action and are in harmony with forgiveness and love, a sort of balance effortlessly occurs. On the flip side, when we choose to stand in un-forgiveness and act / react in un-loving ways we move toward negativity. Everything still shifts but not in ‘feel good ways'. Right now, we can opt to choose forgiveness and choose love so that balance, harmony, inspired thought, right action, synchronicity, beauty, true joy and so much more can shift toward us. When we see others who seem to have what it is that we also desire, we can choose to be excited for them because if it can happen for them, Honey, it will happen for you.

So, this week, I encourage you to get right back up and into the FLOW of Infinite Possibilities. Although we may have similar talents, no one can do what you do in the exact way that you can do it. Remember: IF ANYONE CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT!

Go Get 'Em Tiger! Get in, leap into the field of endless possibilities where all of your marvelous opportunities eagerly await your arrival.

In joy,
Joy Liani Hallman
C.E.O. / Host
~~~~~Check out Caryn at and
~~~~~Directed by Ashley T. Hughes. Joy's Photo Above and Video Production by Ashley T. Hughes; Set Asst. - Michelle Lane. Check out Ashley's AWESOME work -

Thursday, July 2, 2009

There is no need to second guess your seeds :)

Peace & Blessings,

(Don't forget to scroll all of the way down to see our "Weekly Celebrity Spotlight ...this week = CARYN WARD).

Ok, so apple seeds produce apple trees and orange seeds produce orange trees. It may sound funny, but trees never second guess their seeds. On the other hand, we as spiritual beings having a human experience often second guess our life's purpose / seeds.

I seldom think about picture frames (unless I need to purchase them of course). There is someone somewhere who thinks about picture frames all day. That is his/her chief occupation in life. They live, breathe and have major experiences thinking about designing, making and or selling picture frames. However, the business of picture frames is seldom a thought in my mind. I say that to say this; whatever your seeds and or desires are, they can germinate when the way is clear. In other words, harvests come from seeds that were planted when the land is plowed and free from weeds. When those seeds are planted in fertile soil and nurtured accordingly, they grow.

So, I ask you to ask yourself what your dreams are. No really, your dreams, not the company you work for or your boss’s or your mate’s. What are your dreams? Are you clear about what you want? It’s okay to plow the land and up-root the weeds so that you can become clear about what you want. Now, I ask you again, what are your dreams? You know, the ones planted in your heart that perhaps someone somewhere however well intended told you wouldn't work out. You know that if you change your mind you can change your circumstances.

I offer you a different story and the new story is - anyone who ever attained their goals had to first start where they were and with what they had. Your dreams will come to fruition when you allow yourself the space to truly focus on them.

You are a perfect being, yes you! Just as you are, you are whole, complete and perfect. Everything and everyone will show up as if cued once you begin stepping in the direction of where you'd like to be and purposely planting purposeful seeds. It's simple, anything in which you give 16 seconds of pure thought will begin to manifest. 16 + 16 + 16 ... got it? Imagine if you get clear about your purpose and focus your intention, the results are guaranteed. You are enough, you have enough.

The time you were waiting for is now. I encourage you to take a long hard look at your seeds, plow through the weeds in your consciousness and then plant your seeds in rich fertile soil so that they may activate and develop as only your beautiful seeds can! Happy Harvesting!

In joy,

So, this week "The Joy of Life" received a picture of Caryn Ward from the Papparazzi.

You may know Caryn from her reoccuring role as 'Erica Harrison' on "The Game". Caryn has also had roles on HBO's "Entourage", "Lincoln Heights", "General Hospital" and "The Shield" just to name a few.

We are all intrigued at how this amazing Actress stays in shape. We know she choreographs and dances for the Non-Denominational Spiritual Community known as Agape. ...but what else does she do to keep in shape? Really, who else on the planet wears a size 'extra' small and has such dangerous curves? We see Caryn in this Papparazzi photo above with her Trader Joe's bag. The Joy of Life is going to contact her people and schedule an interview with Caryn within the next 2 weeks so that readers can add some of Caryn's healthful eating habits and exercise regimens to their lives.

We can check Caryn out at and insert Caryn Ward.