Our Passage is entitled, "Stand Still and Know."
Written by - Joy Liani Hallman, M.A., P.P.S.C.

Joy Liani Hallman; C.E.O. & Host of 'THE JOY OF LIFE TV' in Wilbourn Exclusive Wear

The One & Only Caroline Wilbourn C.E.O. of 'WILBOURN EXCLUSIVES'
Free Spirited Fashions Designed with You In Mind

Caroline Wilbourn of 'WILBOURN EXCLUSIVES' has Goddess Wear for all Divas. Free Spirited Fashions, designed with you in mind. Watch as Caroline transforms an outfit from daytime to evening wear before your eyes. Her clothing feels amazing on the body. Caroline designs and creates each outfit. I am one of her many satisfied customers, I can't walk 1/2 of a block without being stopped and asked for her information. It may sound strange but Caroline's clothing on my skin makes me feel loved and excited to be alive!!
With each update we leave you with a passage hoping to impart words of wisdom. With this upload we'd like to just say:
You are the answers that you seek. Albert Einstein said, "You can not solve a problem with the same mind that created it." When situations and circumstances seem to get the best of us, I belive the best thing we can do is - STOP STRUGGLING WITH THE CONFLICT.
Struggling to do this or do that, to add it all up or figure it out...or 'what if' it to death! Lol! How is not our business, how is God's business.
Something to ponder:
I don't know how...but I do know, 'that.' I know that it will all be worked out some how, some way, eventually. I know that if I think it to 'death' long enough, I'll make myself physically and emotionally sick. I know that God promised me that I would reap in due season if I fainted not. I know that Jesus said life and death are in the power of the tongue therefore I choose life and choose it more abundantly. I know that weaping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. I know that if God is for me, who can be against me? I know that God makes my feet like hind's feet, lest I dash them upon a stone. I know that this problem is not even a problem in some other dimension. I know that all time is simultaneous so it IS worked out and I claim the victory of it now..when? NOW!!! I know that faith without works is dead so therefore I take divinely inspired action in the direction of my goals. I know that - this too shall pass. I know that with the blessings of God & Mother, all things are possible. I know that God said if I cast my cares on Spirit ALL things would be taken care of and added unto me. (keyword - ALL - it doesn't say some or most). I know that the peace of God which passeth all understanding rules my heart and my mind. I know that I was created in the image and the likeness of the Most High and God makes no mistakes therefore I must be here on purpose and with a purpose. I know that I am the righteousness of God and no matter what it looks like Jesus said even greater works than the ones he did I will do. I know that - as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
SO CHILL!!! STAND STILL AND KNOW!!!!!!!!! - written by, Joy Liani Hallman, M.A., P.P.S.C.
Hollar at your girl:
You may contact Caroline at the following information:
website: www.wilbournexclusives.com
Phone: (770) 634 - 3496
You can also occasionally catch Caroline Wilbourn selling her fabulous fashions as a Vendor at the Agape International Spiritual Center located at: 5700 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA 90230. Call Caroline at the information above for dates.
Fashion Show with Free-Spirited Fashions by Wilbourn Exclusives
~~~**About Joy**~~~
Joy Liani Hallman's definite purpose is to joyfully inspire and entertain by anchoring excitement, love, joy and kindness. More specifically she does this by working as a Performing Artist through Acting, Choreographing and Dancing as well as being a Writer & TV Host in the world of Entertainment. In addition to the Arts, Joy has advanced degrees in Counseling and Psychology. She enjoys metaphysics, roller skating and being in nature in addition to time well spent with family, friends and animals. Joy's motto is, "If your heart can conceive it, your mind will lead the way to achieve your goals."
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