Your Marvelous Opportunities Eagerly Await Your Arrival.
GET IN! Leap ~~~~ into the Infinite Field of All Possibilities, where all systems are go, where there you are jumping into the FLOW ...you belong. From the moment everything in the Universe lined up and told you to move forth and pursue your life’s plan, it already existed. Situations may come and go but that magical opportunity you've been awaiting will eventually present itself. After all, luck is simply what happens when preparation meets opportunity. When we prepare ourselves and take inspired action toward our goals, our goals move toward us. When we are in harmony with our desires, it is then that we are in the field of Infinite Possibilities. Oh, you will catch the Rainbow and begin riding the waves!
I encourage you to let go of any ill feelings about perceived 'missed opportunities' because that is simply a matter of perception - really. How could you have missed out on anything? What is meant for you is meant only for you. No one can close doors that God has opened for you. When you are in harmony and going with the flow, everything you need to carry out your desires will show up as if by magic. “When your thoughts are activated in love, everything you need lines up in synchronicity.” – Wayne Dyer
Yes, we took it back to the L word, LOVE. Love is all there is. Forgive yourself for feeling as if you’ve ever done anything wrong. Forgive all others for what you may believe they’ve done to you. Realize everything happens for a reason. We can choose to activate higher states of awareness by looking at the big picture, retrieving the lessons from circumstances and moving forward with our lives. It is in the choice to move forward that everything shifts.
When we operate through divine right action and are in harmony with forgiveness and love, a sort of balance effortlessly occurs. On the flip side, when we choose to stand in un-forgiveness and act / react in un-loving ways we move toward negativity. Everything still shifts but not in ‘feel good ways'. Right now, we can opt to choose forgiveness and choose love so that balance, harmony, inspired thought, right action, synchronicity, beauty, true joy and so much more can shift toward us. When we see others who seem to have what it is that we also desire, we can choose to be excited for them because if it can happen for them, Honey, it will happen for you.
So, this week, I encourage you to get right back up and into the FLOW of Infinite Possibilities. Although we may have similar talents, no one can do what you do in the exact way that you can do it. Remember: IF ANYONE CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT!
Go Get 'Em Tiger! Get in, leap into the field of endless possibilities where all of your marvelous opportunities eagerly await your arrival.
In joy,
Joy Liani Hallman
C.E.O. / Host
~~~~~Check out Caryn at www.carynward.com and www.imdb.com/carynward.~~~~~
~~~~~Directed by Ashley T. Hughes. Joy's Photo Above and Video Production by Ashley T. Hughes; Set Asst. - Michelle Lane. Check out Ashley's AWESOME work - www.youtube.com/smashes38)
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