8/2/2020 UPDATE
..the blog below was written about fibroids in 2013; there are two updates.
1) I am happy to report that the fibroid did not return.
2) Senator Kamala Harris has introduced a bill pertaining to uterine fibroids which you may read here:
*********************The Fuss About Fibroids ************************
*********************The Fuss About Fibroids ************************
HAPPY 2013! Please consider this blog as a happy toast to your exuberant health in the New Year! After speaking with so many women who suffer from fibroids, I've decided to offer this blog in hopes of shedding light about a potential healing remedy which worked for me and a very close friend. Fibroids are referred to as non-cancerous tumors which may grow inside of a woman’s uterus, Western medicine offers no information regarding where they come from or how to cure them.
Disclaimer: As you well know, please do not substitute your physician’s advice for any information you read here. Follow your Doctor’s advice and find out if you have any food allergies prior to putting any of the home remedies listed here into action. We wish you the absolute best of health, in doing so, we assume no responsibility for any remedies you may try.
With that said, there have been many posts about operations women can undergo as well as surgical procedures we can have to manage not cure a fibroid condition. However, I have yet to discover any Western information which talks about the prevention of fibroids or non-invasive cures. For that matter, I’ve been advised that even if a woman experiences a procedure to rid fibroids, there is no guarantee that the tumors won’t return.
During an annual check-up, a Nurse Practitioner informed me that I had a fibroid. I was devastated, I knew of people who had them and had no idea what they really were or why all of a sudden one had planted itself in my uterus. She stated that as long as it didn’t bother me, I had nothing to worry about. Well the ‘not bothering me’ part didn’t even last two months. One day, I woke up with swollen glands and a slight nagging pain coming from the area where she had told me the fibroid was located. In the following days the pain worsened and then I begin to experience what I believed was the absolute worst that fibroids could bring. Oh, hell no I thought! So, being the scholarly Doctoral Student I am, I decided to conduct my own research in search of a cure. During this process, I interviewed loved ones and strangers and found that so many of us are suffering in silence with no real remedy at hand. Someone I know and love who is under the age of 25 has a physician who administered a shot which sent her body into early menopause in hopes of stopping the hundreds of fibroids in her uterus from continuing to grow. This was done only after the physician had lasered out over 100 fibroids from her uterus. Thankfully, the shot which must be administered every six months wears off because the first and only time she got the injection several clumps of her hair fell out.
As a student of Metaphysics, I pulled out one of my favorite books to discover what thoughts I could have been thinking which gave way to this dis-ease in my body. In the book entitled, “You Can Heal Your Life,” Author Louise L. Hay lists dis-eases along with the probable thoughts which cause them. For instance, (get ready for this) the book states that fibroids come from “a blow to the feminine ego.” …no, seriously. Well, that was all of the information I needed.
In my quest for a cure I recognized that the relationship I had been in was giving way to my feminine ego feeling bruised ~ no worries; I chose to think a new thought. I chose to fully forgive myself and totally change the nature of the relationship (He had to go). After reading about Eastern modalities, I confided in my Sorority Sister who told me that she, unlike the dozens upon dozens of women I had spoken with, had actually rid herself of fibroids by preparing and consuming a daily concoction for a few months. Upon receiving the diagnosis, she got an ultrasound where she could see the tumors in her uterus. After taking the remedy for about 2 -3 months she got another ultrasound and the tumors were gone, that was about 2 years ago. FREE AT LAST!!! I believed …I'm sure that you've heard the Proverb, “As a woman thinketh, so is she!” Who would have thought that I could have been holding any negative thoughts I had been experiencing in my womb? I meditate upon rising anyway so I chose to get frequent acupuncture and take the designated herbs as well as step up my affirmations, take vitamins regularly, and heal myself. After having suffered with this condition for about 2 months, I tweaked the recipe I was given and followed it every morning for about 2 months straight. I am super excited to tell you that my swollen abdomen went back to its regular size, and I feel back to normal. I haven’t taken the remedy in about 2 months and I feel fine. However, I have decided to add it back to my regimen at least 3 times per week beginning tomorrow for prevention and overall maintenance of good health. Therefore, I decided to let you all know what worked for us in hopes that it may work for you.
So, what did she say? What did we do? The recipe is below. I added something which the Greek Philosopher, Aristotle referred to as the greatest cure-all known to man ~ a teaspoon of apple-cider vinegar and a spoonful of honey.

Original Recipe:
Put the following ingredients in a glass:
1 cup of Beet Juice ($7.99 at Whole Foods, last about 3 days.)
¼ cup Organic Aloe Vera Juice ($9.00 at Whole Foods – last for weeks.)
1 – 2 tablespoons of Unsulphered Blackstrap Molasses (About $8.00 – last for weeks.)
One lemon
Enough Water to fill the Glass ~ drink immediately.
My Recipe:
(Upon waking – take 1-2 capfuls of Apple-Cider Vinegar & follow it with a healthy spoonful of Honey).
Put the following items in a blender:
5 – 6 sliced beets and about ¼ can of beet juice (Sliced canned beets at .99 cent store which lasts 2 – 3 days.)
3 tablespoon of Unsulphered Blackstrap Molasses.
1 whole capful of Aloe Vera Juice.
¾ glass of water (Preferably alkaline, spring, or filtered.)
Blend ingredients and drink immediately.
People have asked about the taste... I simply ask, what's more important? Is it the taste which you will experience for about 15 seconds per day or the possibility of experiencing vibrant health? ~ I invite you to ask yourself. ...if you do decide to try it, please let me know if it works for you!
Wishing You Radiant Health & An Abundance of Every Good Thing!
Joy Liani Hallman, M.A., P.P.S.C.
Doctoral Student of Education in Counseling Psychology at Argosy University, Los Angeles, CA.
Twitter: thejoyoflifetv