Add Some Joy to Your Life!

Joy Liani Hallman featured in photo above.(Photo credit - Ashley T. Hughes)
Sending All Praises Up!!!
Welcome to ‘Add Some Joy to Your Life’ a weekly Inspirational Blog featuring ‘The Joy of Life TV.’
This weeks’ Celebrity Spotlight is on Spiritual Inspirational Songstress & Writer - Kerri-Anne. The song is entitled, "Welcome to Your Life." Following the interview, we have a sneak peak of Kerri-Anne's upcoming Music Video - Directed by: Mark Martinez Choreography & Dance by Nisa Ward & Joy Liani Hallman. These scenes were shot in Malibu, CA.
Your weekly inspiration awaits below, scroll down for Kerri-Anne's Interview & Sneak Peak of her Music Video, entitled, “Welcome to Your Life.” . For more information about Joy see the ‘About Joy’ section following the video.
Peace & Love Beautiful People!
Wishing you all wellness, peace and joy as you embark upon a new season, autumn. Usually, I write my own thoughts but this week I am focused on serving as a gentle reminder that God is in control and there is no need to pray and worry. As Reverend Cheryl Ward says, "Either God is or God ain't!" One translation of that is: Since God IS, why worry? As J. Moss sings, “God who holds the future, also rules this land and responsible for each breath we take, just pray and then leave it there.”
As we invite all of the blessings of our autumn season into our lives, I am guided to simply share the lyrics of an AMAZING song that I found myself in deep meditation with today. The song is entitled, “Don’t Pray & Worry by Gospel Singer, J. Moss. I had the pleasure of dancing for J. Moss & Ki Ki Sheard for B.E.T.’s 2008 ‘Celebration of Gospel’ under the Choreography & Artistic Direction of Brandon Lee Anderson. I am familiar with the song and play it often but it never hit me like this. I figured, since it inspired me to new heights today, I would share it with all of you.
Below, please find the song lyrics to J. Moss’s “Don’t Pray & Worry.” This c.d. was released in 2004 and can be found in stores everywhere and online. The c.d. is entitled, “The J. Moss Project.” (F.Y.I., J. Moss has a new c.d. out in stores entitled, “Just James”.) Just below the lyrics is a website where you can hear the song free, it takes a little while to load.
Lyrics to Don’t Pray & Worry :
[J moss laughing] Whew, come on let's keep it going
He knows all that's before you
He will never neglect His child
Nor will ignore tears in your eyes
Lay your cares to rest
The righteous won't be forsaken
Just hold to your faith
And His word will be manifested
Be steadfast and don't fear
Don't pray and worry
Why is it that we will spend time
going to church but don't understand why
Why we must pray
And then belive
Things that we pray for will soon be received
The prayers of the righteous availeth much
Be not weary in well doing
God of Heaven can do anything
Lay your cares to rest
For the righteous
He who holds the future
Also rules this land
And responsible for each breath we take
Just pray and then leave it there
Pray and then leave it there
Maybe you've lost all hope
And can't see past tomorrow
Speak His word into your life
And stand on His promise to you
[Chorus x2]
So, as the song lyrics suggest, I invite you to “Just hold to your faith and God’s words will be manifested, be steadfast and don’t fear, don’t pray then worry.”
Free Website where you can hear J. Moss’s, “Don’t Pray & Worry.” (simply copy and past it in another browser after you scroll down and watch Kerri-Anne’s video.)
Remember, you are not alone. Reverend Creflo Dollar translated Hebrews 13:5 this way: “God said, I will not, I will not, I will not, to any degree, for any reason, leave you or forsake you, I will not take my hands off of you.” So, I encourage you to stand on those words. God is not a man that God would lie nor can God’s words come back void. I encourage you to trust the infallible words of God and as brilliant Author & Speaker John Randolph Price says, “Take Your Stand and Prove God Now!”
Wishing you a brilliant and brand new beginning in this fall season, may you fall in love with life in a new and joyful way. Don’t forget to cast your cares.
With Love & Gratitude,
Joy Liani Hallman
Please scroll down for Kerri Anne’s Interview and a Sneak Peak of her Video, “Welcome to Your Life,” directed by Mark Martinez; Choreography and Dance by Nisa Ward & Joy Liani Hallman.
****Attention: Dancing on rocks is dangerous! We had very little lower body movement. Exercise with caution k.****
Kerri-Anne's Contact Info:
Nisa Ward Free-Style Dancing, “Welcome to Your Life.”
Joy Liani Hallman Free-Style Dancing, “Welcome to Your Life.”
~~~~In case you haven’t heard, the Agape International Spiritual Center founded and directed by Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith is now streaming live!! You can visit from anywhere in the world. Just log onto:
About Joy Section
Joy Liani Hallman works in the field of Entertainment as an Actress, Choreographer/Dancer, Writer and Host – represented by Bloc Talent Agency and Midwest Talent. As the Writer of this Self-Help blog entitled, “Add Some Joy to Your Life,” she has recently submitted her book, “Your Official Invitation to The Joy of Life …details inside” (2nd edition) for publishing. Joy has started High-School dance programs and written dance curriculums and thoroughly enjoys teaching Dance at Debbie Allen's Dance Academy.
Her academic background includes graduating Magna Cum Laude from Phillips Graduate Institute in Encino, CA with a Master of Arts degree in Psychology based School Counseling with two academic credentials and being elected Speaker at Commencement. Additionally, Joy earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Virginia State University with minors in Modern Dance and English. At V.S.U., (a Historically Black College), Joy was President of Orchesis Dance Theatre, Ms. Omega Psi Phi, an Essence of Troy - Band Dancer & Officer and involved in many campus activities, organizations and community service. She can't wait for HomeComing 2009 where she will be Co-Choreographing & Dancing with V.S.U.'s Alumni Band Dancers.
Joy enjoys roller-skating, being active and being present with her family, friends & the dog. She is very active at the Agape Spiritual International Center under the direction of Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith where she participates in the dance ministry. Joy is an avid Reader / Researcher and loves helping to inspire others to create and become their best selves. As an active member of The Order of Eastern Star, she enjoys giving back to the community.
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Peace & Blessings,